Columbia County Prison - Serving the community since 1877
Voice: 570-784-4815
Fax: 570-784-8837
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Visitation is offered as non-contact only at Columbia County Prison. We also offer families the opportunity to register for Video Visitation on a pre-scheduled basis.
All on-site in person attorney visits have to be scheduled. They can contact the Inmate Program Coordinator - J. Ackerman her extension is 6341
The Video Visitation system allows families and friends to visit with our residents through a window based computer with a camera or an Android phone. Facility staff, to ensure both parties comply with the Rules and Regulations set forth by the facility, monitor these visits.
Family and Friends can register online by going to
Visitors on Probation or Parole are not permitted visitation unless you have written permission from the agency supervising you, which must reflect approval for you to visit with a resident.
Visitors who have been released from Columbia County Prison have a six (6) month waiting period before they are permitted to visit a resident.
Any special considerations for visitation can be submitted to the Warden.
Visitation Rules – Onsite (face-to-face)
On-Site (face-to-face) Visitation hours –
9:00 AM-11:00 AM: A Unit
11:00 AM-1:00 PM: D North Unit
1:00 PM-3:00 PM: D South Unit
9:00 AM-11:00AM: B Unit
11:00 AM-1:00 PM: F Unit
1:00 PM-3:00 PM: C Unit
Gym by appointment only.
Residents are permitted one (1) weekly on-site (face-to-face) visit. Visits are limited to
thirty (30) minute duration.
- You must be listed on a resident’s Visitation List in order to visit. If you are not on the Visitation List, you will not be permitted to visit.
- All visitors are required to sign the visitor log when entering the facility.
- Visitors must have a valid Photo Identification for adults (17 and over).
- All visitors are subject to search and screening with a metal detector prior to entry.
- Due to facility space limitations, there is a limit of two (2)
adult visitors per inmate in the visiting area. All children under
the age of 10 must be surpervised at all times.
- Juveniles must remain seated or no more than an arm’s length away with the parent or legal guardian at all times.
- All visitors must be appropriately attired, excessively tight fitting, revealing garments are not permitted. Visitors must wear undergarments at all times.
a. No gang-related symbols, themes or colors.
b. Skirts or dresses must be below the knee.
c. Shorts at mid-thigh or below.
- Jackets, coats and any other outerwear, hooded sweatshirts,
and/or hats are not permitted in the visitation area.
a. There are lockers provided in the visitation waiting room for the above items.
- Residents are not permitted to receive any item during visitation. Do not bring pictures, letters, mail or any other items.
- Cell phones or other electronic devices are not permitted inside the facility.
a. If you are in possession of a cell phone while in the facility, you will be escorted from the prison and your visitation privileges may be revoked.
- You will not be permitted to visit while under the influence or the appearance thereof using alcohol/drugs.
- All visits are subject to monitoring and/or recording.
On Site - Face to Face Schedule - Effective Saturday, 14 May
There is currently no set face to face schedule. Please contact us to schedule an appointment.
Off-Site Virtual Video Visitation Rules
- Families must be registered into the virtual visitation system website
- The cost of an off-site/remote visit is $8.75 per 25-minute session.
a. If a visitor does not show up for a scheduled video visitation session, no refund will be issued.
b. If a visitor loses internet connection during an off-site video visitation session, the visitor will not be permitted to reconnect and no refund will be issued. The Prison has no control over the visitors internet connection. - Only visitors who are registered and are listed on the visitation portal will be permitted to visit.
- A maximum of 2 people per visit are permitted.
a. two (2) adults (over the age of 18)
b. one (1) adult and one (1) child - Visits cannot occur for newly arriving inmates until they are out of the initial classification period (48 hours).
- Visits must be scheduled 24 hours prior to the appointment and up to 2 weeks in advance.
- All children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
- You must be properly attired; clothing cannot be see through, no skintight clothing or tank tops will be permitted. Visitors must wear undergarments at all times.
a. No gang-related symbols, themes or colors.
b. Skirts or dresses must be below the knee.
c. Shorts at mid-thigh or below.
- Staff can deny, change, or cancel a visit at any time.
- Visitors and Inmates must be on time for the scheduled visit.
a. Visits will be marked as missed after 10 minutes of scheduled time if either the inmate and/or visitor are not logged onto the system.
b. You will not be permitted to visit while under the influence or the appearance thereof using alcohol/drugs.
- If the person you are visiting is in general population housing they can receive up to 3 three (3)
Off-site virtual visits (Tuesday or Thursday). Each Housing Unit has one (1) virtual visitation unit available for use.
- All virtual visits are subject to monitoring and recording.
- Any sexually suggestive behavior, whether verbal or physical, during your video visitation is prohibited. This behavior will be cause for your video visit to be terminated and your visiting privileges be suspended for a period of time or permanently.
Off site visitation via use of Android or Windows capable phone or computer
Housing Units A, B, B-ISO, C, DN, DS, F, Medical – Sun thru Sat (7 days)
8:30 AM – 12:30 PM 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM 4:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Housing Units E (RHU) and Gym (Sunday Only)
8:30 AM – 12:30 PM 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM 4:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Inmates Housed as Administrative Custody or Disciplinary Status are no longer permitted face to face visitation unless approved by Administration.
Related Links
Pennsylvania Department of Corrections