Columbia County Planning Commission
Voice: 570-389-9146
Fax: 570-389-9147
(Enter the Rear of the Building and use the stairs to access our office.
Handicap access is still available via the First Street entrance)
P.O. Box 380
Bloomsburg, PA 17815
William Brobst, Chair
Brian Johnson, Vice Chair
Terry Hoover, Secretary
Michelle Bella, Treasurer
Tammy Robbins
John McGee
Paul Lee
Troy Prutzman
2021 Meeting Shedule
The Planning Commission meetings for July through December are scheduled to be in-person, however if you wish to participate remotely we will also be offering Zoom as an option. If interested in participating in the meeting via Zoom, please email to receive the meeting link, password, and agenda no later than 6:00pm. on the day of the meeting.
Regularly scheduled meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month* at 6:30 pm. The meetings will be held at 702 Sawmill Road, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (Google Maps Link) in the Columbia County Commissioner’s Meeting Room. If any meeting dates or times are changed, the new one will be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation.
*The August and December meetings are scheduled for a 6:00PM start time due to Board reorganization and holiday considerations, respectively.
Agenda for next upcoming Planning Commission Meeting