Parr's Mill Bridge
type: Burr Arch
built: 1866
length: 92 feet
latitude: 40.90628871720
longitude: -76.47263542680
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Parr's Mill Bridge, connecting Franklin and Cleveland Townships, spans the North Branch of Roaring Creek. It is on Parr's Mill Road, off Ashton Hollow Road and east of Pennsylvania Route 487, south of Catawissa.
F. L. Shuman constructed this bridge in 1866 for $1,275.00. In 1875, Washington Parr purchased the Willow Grove Grist Mill nearby, and it became better known as Parr's Mill.
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Related Links
Columbia County Covered Bridges Association on Facebook
Bloomsburg University Andruss Library has a Special Collection on Covered Bridges
Theodore Burr Covered Bridge Society of PA. Inc.
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