Richards Bridge
type: Queen Truss
length: 69 feet
built: 1880
latitude: 40.86745650070
longitude: -76.50804430950
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Richards (Reichard's?) Bridge - spanning the South Branch of Roaring Creek, this bridge connects Cleveland Township, Columbia County, with Ralpho Township, Northumberland County. It is located on Campground Road, south of Knoebel's Grove.
The Richards bridge was built in 1880 by Columbia and Northumberland Counties at a cost of $565.00. The original bridge on this site was near John Richards' farm.
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Related Links
Columbia County Covered Bridges Association on Facebook
Bloomsburg University Andruss Library has a Special Collection on Covered Bridges
Theodore Burr Covered Bridge Society of PA. Inc.
Park County, Indiana has 32(!) covered bridges